Legal Practice Areas


In the area of Civil Law, our performance essentially involves:

  • Legal assistance for the preparation of contracts and their formalization;
  • Providing legal or forensic sponsorship.

In the scope of Commercial Law, we provide the necessary advice to your company so that you only have to worry about closing good deals. Our services include:

  • Constitution, regularization, liquidation, transformation, merger, and split of commercial companies;
  • Elaboration of by-laws;
  • Issued shares;
  • Opening and regularization of minutes books;
  • Registration of actions before Tax Offices and Comarc Courts.


Laurentino Canga | António Kalikemala | Hermenegildo Cachimbombo | Cristiano Paciência

Property/Real Estate

Concerning real estate assistance, namely real estate projects, our services include the necessary legal advice for formatting the intended operation, including:

  • The preparation of documents and contracts related to partnerships and project financing operations, covering the practice of acts necessary to obtain licenses inherent to the use of land for the intended purposes (demolition, fencing, and construction licenses);
  • The preparation of necessary authorizations for the exploration of real estate enterprises according to the concept defined by the respective promoters (Habitation License, Fractionation of buildings, when necessary)


Laurentino Canga | António Kalikemala | Hermenegildo Cachimbombo | Cristiano Paciência

Private Client

When it comes to private investment operations, we provide the necessary advice for the design of the private investment contract draft and the instruction and monitoring of projects, including providing additional information to the competent institutions for project approval, clarification, and acceleration of the decision. 

The services extend to the necessary follow-up for any reinforcements of investments previously made, as well as the implementation of investment operations, including:

  • Acquisition of capital import licenses;
  • Marking and execution of public deeds of incorporation or alteration of companies and respective registrations, when applicable;
  • Obtaining licenses for the company's activity and external activity (import and export);
  • Monitoring the entire process of granting customs incentives with the National Customs Service, including any changes to the list of equipment to be imported and answers to any questions posed by the institution.


Laurentino Canga | António Kalikemala | Hermenegildo Cachimbombo | Cristiano Paciência


On the fiscal customs plan, we provide the necessary advice:

  • Following up on temporary, definitive, export and re-importation processes of vessels, rigs, and other material related to the oil activity and others;
  • Obtaining exemptions from the payment of customs duties;
  • Resolving fiscal-customs disputes.


Laurentino Canga | António Kalikemala | Hermenegildo Cachimbombo | Cristiano Paciência

Banking and Finance and safe

In the field of Banking Law, we provide consultancy and legal representation services to several banking institutions, namely:

  • In issuing or preparing technical opinions on the guarantees to be offered by clients when qualifying or applying for financing;
  • In the accompaniment of credit recovery processes, judicially or extra-judicially.
  • issuance of elaboration of legal opinions regardind the request of clients within the scope of the insuderance activity;
  • follow- up of civil liability cases.


Laurentino Canga | António Kalikemala | Hermenegildo Cachimbombo | Cristiano Paciência

Labor and Family

In labor matters, we provide the necessary legal assistance for the organization and operation of human resources areas or departments, namely:

  • Organization of application processes, labor contracts, collective bargaining agreements, negotiation of terminations, preparation of regulatory documents, such as internal regulations, circulars, instructions, service orders, and other related documents;
  • Advising on social security and insurance;
  • Initiation of disciplinary proceedings and legal representation, regardless of the cause or source of conflicts that cause recourse to judicial and even administrative bodies.

In the family area, our services, besides the, whenever possible and necessary, counseling and amicable composition of eventual and potential litigations, include the rendering of legal or forensic representation in actions of:

  • Divorce, whether litigious or by mutual agreement;
  • Recognition of de facto union, in case of death or rupture and possible subsequent division or sharing of common property;
  • Regulation of the exercise of parental authority, the establishment of parenthood, guardianship, adoption, and alimony


Laurentino Canga | António Kalikemala | Hermenegildo Cachimbombo | Cristiano Paciência

Oil and gas
Services usually provided within the identified area include:
Elaboration and review of proposals for regulations;
Preparation of directives and circulars or other instruments;
Report and justification notes;
Opinions on the interpretation and scope of rules on matters relating to the attributions of a certain entity, as well as on the regulation of the oil sector;
Generalized legal advice on the standardization and regulation of the oil activity of a certain entity;
Judicial Sponsorship in Actions

Hermenegildo Cachimbombo| Cristiano Paciência! António Kalikemala| Laurentino Canga

Financial - Capital market

The provision of legal advisory services in the fields identified above consists, in particular, of:


  • Preparation of opinions traditionally required in financial operations;
  • Assistance in following up public tenders for privatization and others;
  • Assistance in implementing strategies for successful IPO (Initial Public Offering), from a perspective of best practices in financial markets;
  • Corporate and commercial law analysis to adapt the company to the needs and requirements of the financial market and the eventual operation to be carried out;
  • Assistance in preparing information of a legal nature that may be necessary, namely, advertisement, teaser, information memorandum or other necessary or convenient documentation;
  • Legal due diligence;
  • Legal advice for the preparation of other documents that prove necessary and/or convenient for the purpose pursued (intention to float, drafting of contracts, prospectus, among others);
  • Monitoring and legal advice for registration and compliance with obligations with CMC, BODIVA, CEVAMA;
  • guide, facilitate and advise on regulatory standards and assist in obtaining approvals and Gexemptions from regulatory agencies and others in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Laurentino Canga| Hermenegildo Cachimbombo| Cristiano Paciência| António Kalikemala

competition law

In terms of competition law, we usually have:

  • Issued opinions on free competition and regulation;
  • Monitoring of extrajudicial and judicial proceedings relating to the violation of rights and duties in the context of competition.

Laurentino Canga| Hermenegildo Cachimbombo| Cristiano Paciência| António Kalikemala

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